Well I am going to share my method:
First I beging by enclosing large spaces from bottom to top... taking into consideration lage walls that span from left to right. For instance in the image bellow notice how ROOM 18 is completly enclosed.
Then after i tackle large walls that run horizontally I being to subdivide the space with vertical walls. This is where things get a little tricky. What you need to do is make sure that all your walls go in the same direction. If you already know that the exterior side of a wall is always to the left side of your mouse stroke (this is something I mention in my training sessions), then you can see that my spaces should be enclosed in a clock-wise fassion to keep my walls in the same direction. So in this particular case, I being to draw my vertical walls from top to bottom. One thing you will notice is that some spaces will be "properly enclosed" in terms of interior and exterior faces, and some will have a combination of both for exmaple ROOM 22. This is not wrong per say, as long as you keep all your walls organized is terms of the direction they were drawn. Most important thing to keep in mind is that you stick to the decision you made on where and how to enlose your spaces; from left to right and then bottom to top? or visaversa.
Well I hope this helps clear a little bit of confussion - until next time !